12 Gates of Christmas 2018 Craft Beer Challenge & Specials

We’re kicking off December with a new beer release and rotating special daily. Be here each day and try each release to enjoy a unique selection of experimental beers, win bragging rights for conquering the entire list, and take home a commemorative prize. Saturday, December 1st Beer Release: Hot Chocolate Amber Special: $6.99 Cherry Vanilla […]
Authentic German Beers For Your Oktoberfest Parties

12 Gates Brewing Co. is your headquarters for your Oktoberfest Parties this fall! Whether you’re throwing a party at home or stocking your restaurant or bar, we have the beers you need to make your event or season a huge hit. German-style beers are one of our favorite styles to brew and we went all […]
Meet The Team – JT Winkelman

You recently came on board as 12 Gates Brewing Company’s Sales Manager. What was your industry experience prior to taking the position? I’ve been in the beer industry for eight years working for Try-It Distributing. I started in merchandising and within a few months I was promoted to sales assistant. It wasn’t long before I […]
Rock The Gates VIP Beer List
We’re rolling out the special treatment for our VIP guests this year! In addition to great perks like a commemorative tee-shirt and Teku glass, VIP guests will have access to the VIP tent where we’ll have 8 special release beers made specifically for Rock The Gates. Only 250 VIP tickets available, $30 in advance/$35 door […]
Rock The Gates Vol. 2 Lineup Announced!

Rock The Gates is 12 Gates Brewing Company’s party of the year! Get ready for a festival lineup of some of the best local musicians in Western New York. Tickets are on sale now! See more info on our dedicated page and stay up-to-date with new announcements by RSVPing on our Facebook Event Page or […]
Tria Prima Pale Ale Decoded

The Three Primes of Alchemy The original chemistry professors of the old world were the alchemists. They tinkered, mixed compounds, created new recipes, and were philosophers on top of that. Their goal was the transformation of all things. They pursued turning base metals to gold, and finding the elusive “elixir of life” to live longer […]
We’re Offering Dinner & Beers for 2 for $20.18 for Local Restaurant Week
April 16-22, 2018 Local Restaurant Week (LRW) was such a hit with the community last year–we’re doing it again! We invite you to join friends and family to “savor the local flavor”. Since some folks have only tried our beer, we felt it was a great opportunity to provide a deal that can’t be passed […]
Wind Forge IPA is Back

For this year’s iteration of the Wind Forge IPA we wanted to go softer, fruitier, and more pungent. For 2017 we experimented with hybridizing a Belgian White with American hops. This time around we focused on soft hops, soft New England style yeast, a new brewing technique, and lots of hops. This has yielded a […]
Not Sure What a Kentucky Common Is? Here’s What You Need to Know About Common Reactor

“So why brew a forgotten style?” I have been asked this question many times since we brewed the original pilot batch. Well, the easy answer is that I love beer and I love the history of beer. When it comes down to it America has only created three unique beer styles in her history–the California […]
We’re Approaching 2 Amazing Years! (And throwing a party to celebrate)

2017. Wow–what a year! Our staff grew. Our beers grew. Our fans grew. I am very thankful for the team we have been able to put together and what they are all able to bring to our growing company. As we approach our two-year anniversary, I think back over the past year and how great […]